Call Us Today!02 6025 4866
Ross Circuit Preschool Centre accepts both online and on-site waitlist registrations from families who are interested in their children attending our Preschool.
To register your child for preschool and playgroup waitlists, simply fill out the form here.
Our enrolments are confirmed each year in July & August for children commencing preschool in the following year. Other places may be offered through the year if positions become available. We cannot always guarantee positions as we always have significant number of children on our waitlists.
***Children must be 3 years old before the preschool year starts in February. Enrolment is for the entire year and Ross Circuit Preschool does not do mid-year intakes.
This Service is a recipient of funding under the NSW department of Education’s Start Strong for Community Preschools program and fee relief is available for families of eligible children.
If you have questions, please contact the office for more information regarding the fees and our fee structure.
Thank you for submitting your registration form for Ross Circuit Pre-school.
We will be in contact soon!