Call Us Today!02 6025 4866
Ross Circuit Preschool have a proud history of welcoming everyone to the Preschool and we engage families with professionalism and integrity. The Preschool staff demonstrate a belief of inclusion, respect and acceptance. We see children in the context of their families and community, believing that families are children’s first and most influential teachers.
Our curriculum and group structure are designed to consolidate the children’s learning and wellbeing. Each preschool group has regular staff members who work with the same children throughout the year. This enables our staff to develop, encourage and nurture positive relationships with children and their families.
Ross Circuit Provides a safe and inclusive and relaxed space for young children and parents or carers to participate and connect with other families in our community.
Playgroup is a fun and engaging way for young children to explore learning through play.
At playgroup, your child can:
· Try out new and creative play,
· Play music and looking at books,
· Play with children of different ages
· learn about routines
· start to develop skills they need for preschool
Playgroup @ Ross Circuit operates on Mondays from 9.30am to 11.30am during the NSW school terms.
Cost per term is $25.00 per family.
Please bring morning tea, drink bottle and a hat for your children.
Playgroup @ Ross Circuit is for children 0 to 5 years old.
Places are limited so registering your interest is essential. To register for playgroup, please complete the registration form in the registration menu tab.
Any questions? Please email Michelle our Co-Ordinator at [email protected] or contact 02 6025 4866
Albury Wodonga Community Health have been at Ross Circuit for over 40 years and has been a long relationship with many families who visit the Ross Circuit Child & Family Health nurses and then attending Ross Circuit Preschool.
Contact the Child & Family Health nurses directly on 02 6058 1800 for all appointments. The Child & Family Health nurses see families with children from birth to 5 years.
Thank you for submitting your registration form for Ross Circuit Pre-school.
We will be in contact soon!