What We Do

Early learning in Lavington

Our Preschool Sessions

At Ross Circuit we have 3 classrooms and are licensed for up to 75 children to attend preschool each day.

Each classroom has a maximum of 25 children in the room and all our groups have set days and run on consecutive days.


Our staff roster and group structure are designed to have a core number of educators that work with the same children each day, which we believe, enables the children to build positive relationships with peers and educators, continuity for learning from one day to the next and reinforces preschool routines and expectations.


All our preschool sessions are from 8.30am to 4pm Monday to Fridays. The session times are the same for our Early Years and Transition groups.


All enrollment sessions are 2 days.


Our Transition Groups are:





Our Early Years Groups are:





**** To enroll in preschool, children must be 3 years old before the preschool year starts in February.


Please contact the office if you need more information about groups or days.


Frequently Asked Questions

How old do the children have to be before they enrol in your school?

Children need to be 3-years-old to start preschool and it goes to the year before they start school which is generally 5-years-old.

Are you open during school holidays?

No, we are not open during school holidays. We follow the NSW Department of Education school terms.

What is a Community Based Preschool?

A community based preschool is an incorporated association managed by a volunteer committee of Preschool members and interested community parties. The board assists the Director and Staff to ensure the preschool is meeting all governance and regulatory requirements.

What do I need to put in my child’s bag for their preschool session?

A change of clothes or two, a hat, lunchbox with morning tea and lunch and a drink bottle are mostly the things that you will need to pack for your child once they start preschool.

Our Parent handbook also has information on lunchbox ideas, specific wet weather clothes and so much more.

What are the Fees? Is the Child Care Subsidy used for preschool?

Our fees are set on a yearly basis by the Board of Management. Please contact us to get specific rates for your circumstances.

Concessions are available if you hold a current Health Care Card or Pension card. If you are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island descent concessions also apply.

The Child care Subsidy is not available for families at Ross Circuit Preschool.

Do I have to arrive at 8.30am and pick up at 4.00pm?

No, drop off and pick up can be when you please, when it best suits your family with school times or work schedules.
However, 4.00pm is the latest for afternoon pick up.

We do NOT have after preschool care at Ross Circuit.

Does the Preschool arrange enrolment into primary schools for my child?

No, enrolling your child into primary school is the responsibility of the Parents.

Schools will have open days and are happy to talk to you about your child and enrollment.

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